
Quest Rewards

Talazar's Revenge Sands of Creation Tides of Fate
Name Type Lvl Req Quest Links
Robe of the Island GuardTorso
Smock of the Island GuardTorso
Tunic of the Island GuardTorso
Boots of the Island GuardBoots
Large KnapsackContainers
Spider Silk LeggingsLeggings
Moth Riddled CloakCloaks
Old Worn PackContainers
Bat Ear NecklaceAmulets
Triddle Shell ArmorTorso
Helm of the Island GuardHelmets
Dull Emerald RingRings
Sarahs Promise RingRings
Totem of the Wolf PupTotems
Frumps AmuletAmulets
Jealousy AmuletAmuletsLVL 4+
Supply Runners BeltBeltsLVL 4+
Marsh Soaked BootsBootsLVL 4+
Zombie Skin CloakCloaksLVL 5+
Dull Edged SwordLarge Blades
Poorly Weighted ClaymoreLarge Blades
Sword of the Island GuardLarge BladesLVL 3+
Flimsy ClubBlunt Weapons
Wood Chipped MaceBlunt Weapons
Rust Covered FlailBlunt Weapons
Rusty Pocket KnifeSmall Blades
Lead DirkSmall Blades
Woven BladeSmall Blades
Dull Bladed AxeAxes
Large Goblin ScalperAxes
Island TomahawkAxes
Dull Edged SpearPolearms
Rusty Tipped SpearPolearms
Island Guard LancePolearms
Old TekkoUnarmed Combat
Worn Kempo GlovesUnarmed CombatLVL 3+
Rusty Bladed BracersUnarmed CombatLVL 7+
Flimsy Short BowBows
Short Elm BowBows
Island Archers BowBows
Small Cedar CrossbowCrossbows
Well Worn CrossbowCrossbows
Stout CrossbowCrossbows
Simple String SlingThrown Weapons
Braided SlingThrown Weapons
Shepherds SlingThrown WeaponsLVL 3+
Simple Wooden WandMage Weapons
Dull Gemmed StaffMage Weapons
Sash of Lesser HealingBeltsLVL 3+
Sash of the RodentBeltsLVL 3+
Sash of the ZombieBeltsLVL 3+
Sash of the Feeble MindBeltsLVL 3+
Amulet of Minor BodyAmuletsLVL 5+
Amulet of Minor NatureAmuletsLVL 5+
Amulet of Minor SoulAmuletsLVL 5+
Amulet of Minor MindAmuletsLVL 5+
Potion of Minor HealingPotions
Potion of Minor StaminaPotions
Undead CocktailPotions
Storage CrateContainers
Patchwork SailSails
Unlit Lamp of IsosShields
Potion of Greater HealingPotions
Potion of Cure Greater PoisonPotions
Potion of Cure Greater DiseasePotions
Potion of Greater RepairPotions
Necklace of KrogAmulets
Ring of KrogRings
Gloves of KrogGloves
Belt of KrogBelts
Helm of KrogHelmets
Boots of KrogBoots
Cloak of KrogCloaks
Leggings of KrogLeggings
Armor of KrogTorso
Guardian of KrogShields
Necklace of SilvestAmulets
Ring of SilvestRings
Gloves of SilvestGloves
Belt of SilvestBelts
Helm of SilvestHelmets
Boots of SilvestBoots
Cloak of SilvestCloaks
Leggings of SilvestLeggings
Guardian of SilvestShields
Armor of SilvestTorso
Necklace of WhisperdaleAmulets
Ring of WhisperdaleRings
Bracers of WhisperdaleGloves
Belt of WhisperdaleBelts
Helm of WhisperdaleHelmets
Boots of WhisperdaleBoots
Cloak of WhisperdaleCloaks
Leggings of WhisperdaleLeggings
Guardian of WhisperdaleShields
Armor of WhisperdaleTorso
Mystic Orb of AlchemyTools
Casting PoleTools
Golih's Cane PoleTools
Ring of SozalRings
Razor Bone DaggerSmall BladesLVL 6+
Fire Ant Leg BracerGlovesLVL 8+
Shadow GlovesGlovesLVL 8+
Shadow CloakCloaksLVL 8+
Shadow LeggingsLeggingsLVL 8+
Shadow HelmHelmetsLVL 8+
Naturalist GreavesLeggingsLVL 10+
Hard Leather CapHelmetsLVL 10+
Terra HoodHelmetsLVL 10+
Terra GlovesGlovesLVL 10+
Terra CloakCloaksLVL 10+
Gloves of SleightGlovesLVL 15+
Worn Guard HalfplateTorsoLVL 15+
Dunaga's CapHelmets
Bloody Rag of RumpdaRingsLVL 15+
Hero of DawatAmuletsLVL 15+
Palm Woven GlovesGlovesLVL 15+
Termigon Battle MittensGloves
Pegi's PendantAmulets
Termigon Eye RingRingsLVL 11+
Eastwatch Holy RelicAmulets
Gemstone of DalvonAmulets
Dalvon Miner's RingRingsLVL 14+
Coronation TunicTorsoLVL 15+
Pirate ShacklesGlovesLVL 10+
Shiny Leather PantsLeggingsLVL 16+
Golden Helm of PowerHelmetsLVL 35+
Crude Orcish Battle AxeAxesLVL 15+
Crude Orcish SwordLarge BladesLVL 15+
Crude Orcish DaggerSmall BladesLVL 13+
Crude Orcish SkullcrusherBlunt WeaponsLVL 15+
Crude Orcish SpearPolearmsLVL 15+
Crude Orcish Punching DaggersUnarmed CombatLVL 15+
Orcish Warrior GauntletsGlovesLVL 20+
Orcish Warrior BeltBeltsLVL 20+
Orcish Warrior BootsBootsLVL 20+
Orcish Warrior HelmHelmetsLVL 20+
Orcish Warrior CapeCloaksLVL 20+
Orcish Warrior GreavesLeggingsLVL 20+
Orcish Warrior PlateTorsoLVL 20+
Wicked Looking WandMage WeaponsLVL 15+
Sprouted WandMage WeaponsLVL 15+
Staff of SongsMage WeaponsLVL 15+
Ivory WandMage WeaponsLVL 15+
Hollow WandMage Weapons
Wand of ExpansionMage WeaponsLVL 15+
Clockwork BootsBootsLVL 20+
Clockwork GlovesGlovesLVL 20+
Clockwork BeltBeltsLVL 20+
Clockwork PantsLeggingsLVL 20+
Clockwork CloakCloaksLVL 20+
Clockwork CapHelmetsLVL 20+
Clockwork RobeTorsoLVL 20+
Oakwoven Short BowBowsLVL 12+
Splinterwood Large CrossbowCrossbowsLVL 20+
Splinterwood Small CrossbowCrossbowsLVL 13+
Enchanted Vine SlingThrown WeaponsLVL 12+
Oakwoven Long BowBowsLVL 20+
Enchanted Vine Staff SlingThrown WeaponsLVL 15+
Night Elf Archer BeltBeltsLVL 20+
Night Elf Archer GlovesGlovesLVL 20+
Night Elf Archer CapeCloaksLVL 20+
Night Elf Archer HelmHelmetsLVL 20+
Night Elf Archer BootsBootsLVL 20+
Night Elf Archer GreavesLeggingsLVL 20+
Night Elf Archer CuirassTorsoLVL 20+
BanebladeSmall BladesLVL 15+
Heavy Short SwordLarge BladesLVL 18+
Vadren's SlicerSmall BladesLVL 21+
Eva's NecklaceAmulets
Jenkin's BootsBoots
Crab BisqueFood
Alchemist StoneTools
Warg Eye AmuletAmuletsLVL 20+
Outpost Guard LeggingsLeggingsLVL 20+
Mystic RobeTorsoLVL 24+
Glowing BeltBeltsLVL 30+
Helm of StrengthHelmetsLVL 35+
Hapuna's TreasureAmuletsLVL 40+
Boots of the TravellerBoots
Plate of the GolemTorsoLVL 60+
Ettin Snout RingAmulets
Fortified Mining PickTools
Blessed Amulet of IsosAmuletsLVL 30+
Amulet of InsightAmuletsLVL 35+
Ring of HealthRingsLVL 40+
Alliance InsigniaRingsLVL 40+
Blue Crystalline RingRingsLVL 40+
Cadence's BaubleRingsLVL 40+
Dire Wolf CloakCloaksLVL 45+
Jeweler's MittsGlovesLVL 50+
Defender's HelmHelmetsLVL 50+
Defender's BootsBootsLVL 50+
Defender's GauntletsGlovesLVL 50+
Defender's CapeCloaksLVL 50+
Defender's GreavesLeggingsLVL 50+
Defender's BeltBeltsLVL 50+
Defender's RingRingsLVL 50+
Defender's NecklaceAmuletsLVL 50+
Defender's PlateTorsoLVL 50+
Defender's ShieldShieldsLVL 50+
War Mage's CoveringHelmetsLVL 50+
War Mage's PoulainesBootsLVL 50+
War Mage's GlovesGlovesLVL 50+
War Mage's MantleCloaksLVL 50+
War Mage's BraiesLeggingsLVL 50+
War Mage's WrapBeltsLVL 50+
War Mage's CharmRingsLVL 50+
War Mage's LocketAmuletsLVL 50+
War Mage's BattlerobeTorsoLVL 50+
War Mage's Mystic ShieldShieldsLVL 50+
Archer's CapHelmetsLVL 50+
Archer's StalkersBootsLVL 50+
Archer's BracersGlovesLVL 50+
Archer's PauldronsCloaksLVL 50+
Archer's TassetsLeggingsLVL 50+
Archer's BeltBeltsLVL 50+
Archer's BandRingsLVL 50+
Archer's ClaspAmuletsLVL 50+
Archer's BrigandineTorsoLVL 50+
Archer's PaviseShieldsLVL 50+
Shalox's MaskHelmetsLVL 80+
Shalox's WarformTorsoLVL 90+
Shalox's StranglersGlovesLVL 75+
Shalox's PantsLeggingsLVL 85+
Shalox's CloakCloaksLVL 85+
Shalox's Potion BeltBeltsLVL 75+
Shalox's BootsBootsLVL 80+
Weeping Winter ShadehelmHelmetsLVL 80+
Weeping WinterstormTorsoLVL 90+
Winter's Bitter GripGlovesLVL 75+
Weeping Winter SkirtLeggingsLVL 85+
Weeping Winter CapeCloaksLVL 85+
Weeping Winter BeltBeltsLVL 75+
Snowfall ShoesBootsLVL 80+
Winter WolfheadHelmetsLVL 80+
Winter WildformTorsoLVL 90+
Winter Wolfskin GlovesGlovesLVL 75+
Winter Wolfskin LeggingsLeggingsLVL 85+
Winter Wolfskin CloakCloaksLVL 85+
Winter Wolfskin BeltBeltsLVL 75+
Winter Wolfskin BootsBootsLVL 80+
Aspect of the Dark GuardTotems
Aspect of the ChampionTotems
Heavy Leather BootsBootsLVL 50+
Heartwood BowBowsLVL 95+
Heartwood CrossbowCrossbowsLVL 100+
Ivy Plated BootsBootsLVL 50+
Twisted AmuletAmuletsLVL 50+
Crystalline ShieldShieldsLVL 55+
Spymaster's FootwrapsBootsLVL 60+
Tundrawalker's CloakCloaksLVL 60+
Forged Skull ShieldShieldsLVL 70+
Ring of the NorthwindRingsLVL 85+
Tonic of Frost ResistancePotions
Totem of the WarriorTotems
Totem of the MageTotems
Totem of the ArcherTotems
Strange Glowing GemAmulets
Poison Desert NecklaceAmuletsLVL 80+
McKelsky RingRings
Zebra Hide LeggingsLeggingsLVL 45+
Zebra Hide CloakCloaksLVL 45+
Zebra Hide ArmorTorsoLVL 45+
Tears of BanitiAmulets
Boots of HaflahBootsLVL 85+
Caiman Hide BootsBoots
Caiman Hide LeggingsLeggings
Caiman Hide TunicTorsoLVL 80+
Titan Hide GlovesGlovesLVL 90+
Titan Hide BeltBeltsLVL 90+
Titan Hide HelmHelmetsLVL 90+
Titan Hide LeggingsLeggingsLVL 90+
Titan Hide BootsBootsLVL 90+
Titan Hide Chest ProtectorTorsoLVL 90+
Savanna Hunter BootsBootsLVL 95+
Savanna Hunter GlovesGlovesLVL 95+
Savanna Hunter BeltBeltsLVL 95+
Savanna Hunter HelmHelmetsLVL 95+
Heart BladeSmall BladesLVL 100+
Wyvern Hunter BeltBeltsLVL 80+
Wyvern Hunter CloakCloaksLVL 80+
Cape of StormsCloaksLVL 80+
Bone Etched ChestContainers
Scarf of NachupAmulets
Brimidian Miners RingRingsLVL 95+
Fire Elemental GlovesGlovesLVL 105+
Ring of FireRingsLVL 105+
Woven Sand Wurm GlandsAmuletsLVL 100+
Blue Crab NecklaceAmulets
Blue Crab RingRingsLVL 103+
Ring of the BellsRings
Large Crab StewFood
Tiger Claw NecklaceAmuletsLVL 60+
Tiger Pelt CloakCloaks
Gem of the DeepAmuletsLVL 85+
Ring of EightRingsLVL 100+
Wharfmaster's SealAmuletsLVL 105+
Gem of the True BelieverAmulets
Ring of LodaruRingsLVL 80+
Necklace of LodaruAmuletsLVL 80+
Kidds Leather BootsBootsLVL 80+
Kidds Black ArmorTorsoLVL 107+
Boots of the TitanBoots
Mark of MinosAmulets
Flawed Band of SabalRingsLVL 105+
Polished Band of SabalRingsLVL 106+
Empowered Band of SabalRingsLVL 106+
Graverobber's MarkRingsLVL 105+
Graverobber's EdgeRingsLVL 106+
Graverobber's WardbladeRingsLVL 107+
Dragonian Skinning KnifeTools
Artonian HammerTools
Greater Dragon Signet RingRingsLVL 107+
Potion of Plant GrowthPotions
Farming AlmanacTools
Foraging SmockTorsoLVL 10+
Divining RodTools
Glowing Storage CrateContainers
Farmer's RingRingsLVL 20+
Seed DrillTools
Aspect of the MonkTotems
Beef StewFood
Totem of the GoblinTotems
Aspect of the ThiefTotems
Gathering BasketContainers
PitchforkPolearmsLVL 50+
Horn of PlentyTools
Sharp ShovelTools
Gardener's GlovesGlovesLVL 50+
Sharp SpadeTools
Aspect of the WerewolfTotems
Victory GardensShieldsLVL 102+
Ulthien's Grim SmilePolearmsLVL 100+
Tackle BoxContainers
Fishing LureTools
Fishing VestTorso
Casting NetTools
Marvello's Magic RodTools
Aspect of the ImpTotems
Message in a BottleScrolls
WadersLeggingsLVL 30+
Galania's TearsAmuletsLVL 50+
Ironarm CrestRingsLVL 50+
Caiman Scale TotemTotems
Salvaged HelmHelmetsLVL 60+
Salvaged ArmorTorsoLVL 60+
Salvaged GlovesGlovesLVL 60+
Salvaged PantsLeggingsLVL 60+
Salvaged CloakCloaksLVL 60+
Salvaged BeltBeltsLVL 60+
Salvaged BootsBootsLVL 60+
Pirate WhistleTotems
Seaweed SpecimenBeltsLVL 105+
Deed - SharksuitDeeds
Treasure MapScrolls