
New Items

This list contains 500 items most recently added to AE Database, newest at the top. They are not necessarily also recently added to the game itself, but most are.

Name Type
Pirate's TrickShields
Camp StoveTools
Mist StoneNo Stats
Aspect of the PirateTotems
Aspect of the RoosterTotems
Leviathan's ToothPolearms
Ironarm CrestRings
Talisman of RuneAmulets
WolffishNo Stats
Salty DogNo Stats
LagerheadNo Stats
BoneSnarl's EssenceRings
Treasure MapScrolls
LungfishNo Stats
Deed - SharksuitDeeds
Potion of Skin ChangePotions
Seaweed SpecimenBelts
Pirate WhistleTotems
SwordfishNo Stats
AngelfishNo Stats
Salvaged BootsBoots
Salvaged BeltBelts
Salvaged CloakCloaks
Salvaged PantsLeggings
Salvaged GlovesGloves
Salvaged ArmorTorso
Salvaged HelmHelmets
WreckageNo Stats
Sea GlassNo Stats
Soggy LeatherNo Stats
Rusted WeaponNo Stats
Caiman Scale TotemTotems
Galania's TearsAmulets
Message in a BottleScrolls
SalmonNo Stats
Aspect of the ImpTotems
Marvello's Magic RodTools
Deed - Guild PortalDeeds
Norco's Celestial WillLarge Blades
Dragonbone DaggerSmall Blades
Dragonbone BowBows
Tackle BoxContainers
Party Cake SliceFood
Party CakeNo Stats
Eliza's Sharp ScissorsTools
Deed - Silver Framed MirrorDeeds
Deed - Silver Embossed VaultDeeds
Deed - Royal ThroneDeeds
Deed - Obsidian VaultDeeds
Deed - Gold Framed MirrorDeeds
Deed - Gold Embossed VaultDeeds
Deed - Decorative White TapestryDeeds
Deed - Decorative ThroneDeeds
Deed - Decorative Gold TapestryDeeds
Deed - Craftsman's ToolboxDeeds
Deed - Chest of LootDeeds
Deed - Great White Shark TrophyDeeds
Deed - Death Tyrant TrophyDeeds
Deed - Storm Giant BustDeeds
Deed - Rotten Zombie TrophyDeeds
Deed - Revenge of Lord PallusDeeds
Deed - Chomper's ChomperDeeds
Deed - Mack Mack's HeadDeeds
Deed - Werewolf TrophyDeeds
Deed - Triddle TrophyDeeds
Deed - Frump TrophyDeeds
Deed - BoneSnarl TrophyDeeds
Deed - Zule TrophyDeeds
Deed - Nithhogr TrophyDeeds
Deed - Mannabrotur TrophyDeeds
Deed - Lich Prince TrophyDeeds
Deed - Imp TrophyDeeds
Deed - Mack Mack TrophyDeeds
Voucher - Weapons CabinetVouchers
Voucher - Storage CrateVouchers
Voucher - Rune BagVouchers
Voucher - Missile Weapons CabinetVouchers
Voucher - Glowing Storage CrateVouchers
Voucher - Glowing Jewelry CaseVouchers
Voucher - Feather BoxVouchers
Voucher - Bag of Many ThingsVouchers
Voucher - Bag of DimensionVouchers
Voucher - Armor CabinetVouchers
Voucher - All Weapons CabinetVouchers
Voucher - Alchemy ChestVouchers
Autumn Spice SteamerFood
Fever DreamFood
Lemon IceFood
Brimstone BrewFood
Treasure TrowelTools
Casting NetTools
Era's Creamed OystersFood
Era's Uncooked Creamed OystersNo Stats
Sword of a Thousand Truths (Red)Large Blades
Festive EggsNo Stats
Greater Spell ScrollScrolls
Spell ScrollScrolls
Minor Spell ScrollScrolls
Scroll of Isos' BlessingScrolls
Scroll of Ulthien's BlessingScrolls
Scroll of Veldan's BlessingScrolls
Lotor's Summoning CrystalTotems
The Prime FistBlunt Weapons
Lotor's Battle CrownHelmets
The Warlord's SeveranceAxes
The Warlord's WallShields
The Warlord's Goring HelmHelmets
Lotor's Wedding RingRings
Ancestral Robe of LotorTorso
Cultist's Bloody OrbTotems
Shalox's BootsBoots
Shalox's Potion BeltBelts
Shalox's CloakCloaks
Shalox's PantsLeggings
Shalox's StranglersGloves
Shalox's WarformTorso
Shalox's MaskHelmets
Winter Wolfskin BootsBoots
Winter Wolfskin BeltBelts
Winter Wolfskin CloakCloaks
Winter Wolfskin LeggingsLeggings
Winter Wolfskin GlovesGloves
Winter WildformTorso
Winter WolfheadHelmets
Snowfall ShoesBoots
Weeping Winter BeltBelts
Weeping Winter CapeCloaks
Weeping Winter SkirtLeggings
Winter's Bitter GripGloves
Weeping WinterstormTorso
Weeping Winter ShadehelmHelmets
The Warlord's EssenceAmulets
Grinch's Black Heart (White Sock)Shields
Scholar's TrunkContainers
Scroll CaseContainers
Rune of ShaloxNo Stats
Talazarian EmblemNo Stats
My Shadow is Haunting MeScrolls
New Bear Skin RugScrolls
Cavendish's CauldronContainers
Army of Pumpkins TotemTotems
Haunted Hollows TotemTotems
Wyvern's EyeRings
Warding Amulet of the NorthAmulets
Wyvern's TalonsGloves
Wyvern SightHelmets
Crystalcloth BootsBoots
Crystalcloth BeltBelts
Tormented RobeTorso
Tormented PantsLeggings
Tormented CloakCloaks
Tormented GlovesGloves
Tormented BootsBoots
Tormented BeltBelts
Tormented HelmHelmets
Secrets of Vampire BatsScrolls
Stop the Greedy GluttonsScrolls
Legacy CloakCloaks
Evil's AccompliceSmall Blades
Aspect of the ChampionTotems
Aspect of the Dark GuardTotems
Deed - Sinister CauldronDeeds
Wicked DiceNo Stats
Spire StoneTotems
Deed - Ghost ShipDeeds
Aspect of the MinionTotems
Evil Council Wrapped BeltBelts
Evil Council LeggingsLeggings
Evil Council RobeTorso
Calamity GreavesLeggings
Calamity ArmorTorso
Soul Forged ProtectorTorso
Soul Forged BeltBelts
Calamity BeltBelts
Calamity CloakCloaks
Calamity SkullHelmets
Soul Forged HelmHelmets
Evil Councilman's CloakCloaks
Calamity SwordLarge Blades
Council of Evil DarkstaffMage Weapons
Calamity BowBows
Sword of a Thousand HellsLarge Blades
Evil Council HoodHelmets
Soul Forged GreavesLeggings
Soul Forged MantleCloaks
Deed - Spiked SkullDeeds
Deed - SkeletonDeeds
Hell's Gate HammerTools
Vorpal AxeAxes
Calamity GlovesGloves
Evil Council GlovesGloves
Evil Council FirebrandsBoots
Calamity WakeBoots
Soul Forged GauntletsGloves
Totem of SiegeTotems
Soul Forged BootsBoots
Evil TotemNo Stats
Evil TrinketNo Stats
Blood Lich RobeTorso
Blood Lich TrousersLeggings
BanebladeSmall Blades
Blood Lich TorcHelmets
Black RoseNo Stats
White RoseNo Stats
Vial of BloodNo Stats
Ulthien's Grim SmilePolearms
Victory GardensShields
Gardener's GlovesGloves
Horn of PlentyTools
Empty Horn of PlentyNo Stats
Potion of PlentyNo Stats
Exotic BananasNo Stats
Exotic Banana SeedsNo Stats
Aspect of the WerewolfTotems
Aspect of the ThiefTotems
Aspect of the MonkTotems
Totem of the GoblinTotems
Gathering BasketContainers
Sharp ShovelTools
Sharp SpadeTools
Seed DrillTools
Barrel of ApplesNo Stats
Prize TomatoNo Stats
Cooked Mushroom SteakFood
Raw Mushroom SteakNo Stats
Wild MushroomsFood
Green Triddle ShellNo Stats
Brown Triddle ShellNo Stats
Slop Bucket (Rich)No Stats
Slop BucketNo Stats
Rich FertilizerNo Stats
FertilizerNo Stats
Ground ShellsNo Stats
Bone MealNo Stats
Santa's Big SackContainers
Grinch's Black HeartShields
Santa HatHelmets
Elven ToolsTools
Ring of SleighingRings
Lump of CoalNo Stats
Glass OrnamentsAmmunition
GiftNo Stats
Mask of the EyeNo Stats
Mask of the GhostNo Stats
Mask of the Spooky TreeNo Stats
Words of BindingTools
Frightful CloakCloaks
Mask of the WitchNo Stats
Mask of FrumpNo Stats
Scroll of the AncientsScrolls
Brewmaster's KegguardTorso
Cloud StrikePolearms
The Flaming SwordLarge Blades
Dagger of Fleeting ThoughtsSmall Blades
The Indestructible WokShields
The Jailer's ChapsLeggings
Wyvern Scale ShieldShields
Wyvern Scale BootsBoots
Wyvern Scale BeltBelts
Wyvern Scale CapeCloaks
Wyvern Scale LegguardsLeggings
Wyvern Scale GlovesGloves
Wyvern Scale PlateTorso
Wyvern Scale HelmHelmets
Hoppy StompersBoots
Dragon TalonSmall Blades
Wyvern Leather SatchelContainers
Wyvern Leather QuiverContainers
Berg's SteinBlunt Weapons
Champion's BeltBelts
Ancient Reaper of SoulsAxes
Ancient Hammer of LightningBlunt Weapons
Dragon Scale SailSails
Pristine Dragon Scale CloakCloaks
Pristine Dragon Scale ShieldShields
Pristine Dragon Scale GreavesLeggings
Pristine Dragon Scale HelmetHelmets
Pristine Dragon Scale VambracesGloves
Pristine Dragon Scale BootsBoots
Pristine Dragon Scale BeltBelts
Pristine Dragon Scale PlateTorso
Artonian HammerTools
Sorcerer's RobeTorso
Sorcerer's HatHelmets
Bracers of Agon's FuryGloves
The Jailer's CapeCloaks
The Jailer's ChainsUnarmed Combat
Gragnak's Magic SpoonMage Weapons
Gragnak's Lucky CapHelmets
Meaty RoastNo Stats
Mystic Orb of AlchemyTools
Pristine Dragon HideNo Stats
Carbon Filet KnifeTools
Potion of Immaculate RestorationPotions
Totem of Greater RegenerationTotems
Tundrawalker's CloakCloaks
Frieda's HeadNo Stats
Thought Harvester's PickAxes
Frieda's FlayerBlunt Weapons
Northern Cleric's StaffMage Weapons
Illithid TentaclesNo Stats
Polar BearskinTorso
Necklace of Lightning StrikesAmulets
Thirsty BladeLarge Blades
Death By a Thousand CutsSmall Blades
Spearslinger CrossbowCrossbows
Lost Adventurer's SignetRings
Spell SlingerBows
Sword of Agon's FervorLarge Blades
LimbcrusherBlunt Weapons
Bow of Darkening SkiesBows
Shock StonesAmmunition
Shock UnguentPotions
Short SpearAmmunition
Engraved Shield of SkullsShields
Ranger Lord High BootsBoots
Gloves of the GiantessUnarmed Combat
Druid's AmuletAmulets
Druid's StaffMage Weapons
Ranger Lord CloakCloaks
Claws of Overwhelming DarknessUnarmed Combat
HeartpiercerLarge Blades
Polar Bear PeltCloaks
Claws of the Northern WastesUnarmed Combat
Bow of TerrorBows
Glaive of ContagionPolearms
Ghoul BladeLarge Blades
Spear of TitansPolearms
Virulent AxeAxes
Immaculate Wyvern LeatherNo Stats
Immaculate Wyvern HideNo Stats
Adventurer's PackContainers
Lost Adventurer's LocketAmulets
Shield of the Ranger LordShields
Tonic of Frost ResistancePotions
Wyvern's ToothSmall Blades
Armor of the CynosureTorso
Boots of the CynosureBoots
Staff of Prismatic WavesMage Weapons
Greaves of the CynosureLeggings
Razor Sharp BoltsAmmunition
Razor Sharp ArrowsAmmunition
Frieda's Hearty StoutFood
Belt of the CynosureBelts
Jeweler's MittsGloves
Spymaster's FootwrapsBoots
Amulet of InsightAmulets
Cloak of the CynosureCloaks
Ranger Lord LegguardsLeggings
Warmage's FuryAxes
Crossbow of the Northern WastesCrossbows
Polar Bear SashBelts
Band of Lightning StrikesRings
Battleblood AxeAxes
Fresh MeadNo Stats
Thrakk's TributeBlunt Weapons
Gauntlets of the CynosureGloves
Ranger Lord ArmorTorso
Ranger Lord GauntletsGloves
Helm of the CynosureHelmets
Ranger Lord BeltBelts
Ranger Lord HelmHelmets
Sling of Nature's WrathThrown Weapons
Infectious VoulgePolearms
Necromancer's ChannelMage Weapons
Northern Wizard's StaffMage Weapons
The Laughing BladeLarge Blades
Crystallized Wyvern HeartNo Stats
Arcane ArrowsAmmunition
Banana NeckAmulets
Amulet of RepulsionAmulets
Pendant of Arna's BlessingsAmulets
Ring of Arcane PowerRings
Refiner's HelmHelmets
Gatherer's CloakCloaks
Dark Cord of ConsumptionAmulets
Rune SwordLarge Blades
Shield of RunesShields
Rune BootsBoots
Rune BeltBelts
Rune LeggingsLeggings
Rune GauntletsGloves
Rune ArmorTorso
Rune HelmHelmets
Robe of Dark RitesTorso
Graverobber's WardbladeRings
Amulet of Kang's MightAmulets
Ritual CloakCloaks
Ritual SheersLeggings
Sorcerer's CloakCloaks
Sorcerer's RunnersLeggings
Sorcerer's TunicTorso
Graverobber's EdgeRings
Ritual BeltBelts
Sorcerer's HelmHelmets
Ritual GlovesGloves
Graverobber's MarkRings
Sorcerer's GlovesGloves
Sorcerer's ShadowstepBoots
Knight's LancePolearms
Knight's LongswordLarge Blades
Knight's Heavy FlailBlunt Weapons
Knight's DaggerSmall Blades
Knight's CrossbowCrossbows
Knight's BattleaxeAxes
Rune FragmentNo Stats
Dark EssenceNo Stats
Soul PactRings
Tradesman's CloakCloaks
Knight's WaistguardBelts
Knight's HelmetHelmets
Knight's GreavesLeggings
Knight's GauntletsGloves
Knight's CloakCloaks
Knight's ChestguardTorso
Knight's BootsBoots
Knight's ShieldShields
Sorcerer's BeltBelts
Ritual BootsBoots
Ritual HoodHelmets
Full Metal IngotNo Stats
Tangled LeatherNo Stats
Spectral ClothNo Stats
Tangled HideNo Stats
Spectral ThreadNo Stats
Full Metal OreNo Stats
Full Metal GauntletsGloves
Full Metal BeltBelts
Full Metal BootsBoots
Full Metal HelmHelmets
Full Metal CloakCloaks
Full Metal GreavesLeggings
Full Metal PlatemailTorso
Full Metal ShieldShields
Spectral GauntletsGloves
Spectral BeltBelts
Spectral SlippersBoots
Spectral CapHelmets
Spectral CloakCloaks
Spectral PantsLeggings
Spectral ArmorTorso
Spectral DefenderShields
Tangled Hide GlovesGloves
Tangled Hide BeltBelts
Tangled Hide BootsBoots
Tangled Hide HelmHelmets
Tangled Hide CloakCloaks
Tangled Hide GreavesLeggings
Tangled Hide ArmorTorso
Tangled Hide ShieldShields
Archer's BrigandineTorso
Archer's PaviseShields
Archer's ClaspAmulets
Archer's BandRings
Archer's BeltBelts
Archer's CapHelmets
Archer's BracersGloves
Archer's TassetsLeggings
Archer's StalkersBoots
Archer's PauldronsCloaks
Stout HelmHelmets
War Mage's LocketAmulets
Defender's HelmHelmets
Defender's PlateTorso
Defender's GauntletsGloves
Defender's RingRings
Defender's GreavesLeggings
Defender's ShieldShields
Defender's BootsBoots
Defender's BeltBelts
Defender's CapeCloaks
Defender's NecklaceAmulets
War Mage's WrapBelts
War Mage's Mystic ShieldShields
War Mage's BraiesLeggings
War Mage's CharmRings
War Mage's BattlerobeTorso
Ivory WandMage Weapons
Hollow WandMage Weapons
Wicked Looking WandMage Weapons
Wand of ExpansionMage Weapons
Sprouted WandMage Weapons
War Mage's CoveringHelmets
War Mage's PoulainesBoots
War Mage's GlovesGloves
War Mage's MantleCloaks
Clockwork RobeTorso
Clockwork GlovesGloves
Clockwork PantsLeggings
Clockwork BootsBoots