
Ritual Boots

Ritual Boots

Gold: 34,450
Weight: 3
Max Health: 500
Type: Boots
Protection: 30
Size: Small

DEX 100+
INT 100+
LVL 110+
7% Pierce
8% Cut
10% Soul
7% Body
+12 Str
+12 Dex
+10 Int
+8 Con
+20 HP
+5 Critical Heal
+5 Double Attack
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Zombie Gorilla Guardian+2 Aug 30, 2024
Putrid Jelly+2 Aug 1, 2024
Thought Destroyer+3 May 12, 2024
Thought Harvester+2 Mar 18, 2024
Noxious Jelly+1 Jul 16, 2023
Athropiniax Mar 19, 2021