

Level 125
Health: 2,647 / 2,647
Class: Demon
Damage Type: Cut / Soul

15% Blunt
15% Cut
35% Arrow
75% Mind
50% Poison

* Use this spawn info together with the 'Reveal Spawns' feature in the Hunter's Handbook (H key) to see on your ingame map all the squares where a monster can spawn. You must have killed at least one of that monster to be able to Reveal Spawns, and have travelled to that location before for the squares to appear on your map.

* If a monster isn't spawning, it may be a 'split' spawn. Kill the other monsters in the area to make it spawn again (random chance).

Horned One Dungeon Level 2
Inside Hell
manyIn Dungeon

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Potion of Cure Greater Poison+2 Aug 30, 2024
Rune of Nature+5 Aug 30, 2024
Rune of Mind+4 Aug 19, 2024
Rune of Agon+6 Aug 19, 2024
Rune of Body+5 Aug 19, 2024
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Lost Soul+7 Aug 19, 2024
Rune of Sabal+5 Aug 19, 2024
Torn Silk Bandage+5 Aug 19, 2024
Rune of Soul+4 Aug 19, 2024
Idol of Arna+4 Aug 19, 2024
Potion of Cure Greater Disease+4 Aug 19, 2024
Roundshield of the Elite+2 Aug 13, 2024
Potion of Greater Repair+3 Aug 13, 2024
Potion of Greater Stamina+3 Aug 13, 2024
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Potion of Greater Healing+2 Aug 13, 2024
Rune of Malenox+5 Aug 13, 2024
Rune of Veldan+6 Aug 13, 2024
Rune of Isos+5 Aug 13, 2024
Sabaline Cloak+3 Aug 3, 2024
Sabaline Cap+3 Aug 3, 2024
Potion of Greater Disease+3 Aug 3, 2024
Sabaline Belt+5 Aug 1, 2024
Axe of Many Souls+3 Aug 1, 2024
Deflecting Ring+3 Aug 1, 2024
Boots of the Deceiver+4 Jul 7, 2024
Sabre of Many Souls+2 Jul 7, 2024
Totem of Sabal's Children+5 Jun 30, 2024
Sabaline Tunic+2 Jun 30, 2024
Potion of Greater Poison+3 Jun 30, 2024
Burning Ring+3 Jun 20, 2024
Staff of Many Souls+4 May 28, 2024
Sabaline Gloves+3 May 28, 2024
Roundshield of the Marrowsucker+6 May 28, 2024
Brigandine of the Deceiver+3 May 28, 2024
Totem of Demonic Control+3 May 28, 2024
Sabaline Leggings+3 May 28, 2024
Roundshield of the Souleaters+2 May 28, 2024
Sabaline Boots+3 May 28, 2024
Tome of Demonic Inspiration+2 May 28, 2024
Apple Pie Mar 25, 2024
Locket of Evil Emanations+4 Jan 28, 2024
Tome of Maniacal Thoughts+4 Dec 9, 2023
Fighter's Collar+3 Dec 9, 2023
Dirk of Many Souls+4 Nov 28, 2023
Roundshield of the Spelleaters+2 Nov 10, 2023
Tome of Perserverence+2 Nov 1, 2023
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Gold+6 Oct 16, 2023
Potion of Greater Poison Resistance+3 Jan 30, 2023
Potion of Greater Disease Resistance+2 Jan 30, 2023
Scorched Cloak Dec 6, 2020