
Helmets & Hats

Lvl ≤ Str ≤ Dex ≤ Int ≤ Con ≤
Talazar's Revenge Sands of Creation Tides of Fate
Name AC Reqs
Stats Resists Other
Antlers20LVL 50+10% Arrow, 15% Magic MissileEvent
Archer's Cap28LVL 50++3 STR, +7 DEX, +2 CON, +35 HP4% Cut, 4% Nature
Azure Silk Hat11LVL 65+, INT 70++2 STR, +6 INT, +2 CON5% Blunt, 5% Mind, 5% Body
Balron Hide Cap44LVL 105+, STR 60+, DEX 100+, CON 30++6 STR, +6 CON, +125 HP3% Cut, 3% Nature, 3% Mind, 3% Body
Banished Cap20LVL 101+, DEX 30+, INT 50++5 STR, +4 DEX, +11 INT, +30 HP6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 5% Arrow
Barbute of Zule39LVL 110+, STR 100+, CON 100++10 STR, +15 DEX, +18 CON, +50 HP10% Pierce, 10% Cut, 5% Nature, 15% Disease+10 Block, +10 Critical Hit
Battle Helm11STR 8+
Battle Helm of Ilanpa22LVL 90+, DEX 40++7 STR, +12 DEX, -5 CON4% Cut, 4% Arrow, 4% Mind, 4% Disease
Beekeeper's Mask14LVL 38++4 STR, +4 DEX, +4 INT, +4 CON4% Blunt, 10% Magic Missile, 3% Body+5 Harvesting
Bel's Thinking Cap50LVL 100++25 STR, +15 DEX, +25 INT, +15 CON, +100 HP6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 9% Arrow, 9% Magic Missile, 8% Nature, 8% Soul, 8% Mind, 8% BodyArtifact, No Drop
Black Helm20LVL 50++4 STR, +7 DEX, +3 CON3% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 6% Cut, 3% Soul, 3% Disease
Blood Lich Torc28LVL 100+, INT 100++5 DEX, +6 INT, +3 CON, +35 HP4% Pierce, 4% Cut, 4% Arrow, 4% Body
Blood Soaked Helm48LVL 103+, STR 70++12 STR, +10 CON5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Nature, 5% Body
Blue Dragon Leather Bascinet32LVL 105++10 STR, +10 DEX, +10 INT, +6 CON4% Blunt, 7% Pierce, -2% Cut, 3% Arrow, 4% Nature, 4% Soul, 9% Mind, 2% Body, -2% Poison
Blue Helm of Revenge39LVL 108+, STR 101+, CON 70++8 STR, +25 DEX, +100 HP8% Pierce, 8% Cut, 8% Soul, 8% Mind, 20% Disease
Briarwood Helm32LVL 101+, STR 30+, DEX 50++15 DEX, +150 HP6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 6% Cut+10 Bows
Bucket Helm4LVL 3+
Calamity Skull40LVL 108+, STR 100++20 STR, +10 DEX, +10 CON, +75 HP10% Pierce, 10% Cut, 8% Arrow, 10% Soul, 10% Mind+10 Critical Hit, Event
Chain Coif8STR 8+
Chefs Cap2+20 Baking, +20 Roasting
Clockwork Cap10LVL 20++1 STR, +3 INT, +2 CON2% Blunt, 2% ArrowNo Drop
Cloth Cap2Note: Colored Version Only Gives 2 Protection
Coldsteel Helmet28LVL 70+, STR 50++10 STR, +5 CON, +50 HP5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Nature, 3% Disease
Corrupted Helm20LVL 80+, INT 75++10 INT, +5 CON5% Blunt, 5% Arrow, 5% Magic Missile, 5% Nature, 5% Soul, 5% Mind, 5% Body
Crypt Guardian Helmet34LVL 100+, STR 50+, DEX 30++15 STR, +10 DEX, +80 HP8% Pierce, 8% Mind, 11% Disease
Dalvon Steel Helm19LVL 20+, STR 25+, CON 10++8 STR3% Blunt, 3% Cut
Defender's Helm28LVL 50++7 STR, +2 DEX, +3 CON, +35 HP4% Cut, 4% Nature
Demonic Helm30LVL 90+, STR 90++15 STR, +5 DEX, +5 CON, +60 HP6% Blunt, 6% Cut, 6% Arrow, 6% Body
Dragon Guard Helm51LVL 106+, STR 100++10 STR, +8 CON8% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 5% Nature, 5% Body, 10% Poison
Dragon Scale Helm41LVL 106++6 STR, +12 DEX, +12 CON7% Cut, 8% Soul, 6% Mind, 5% Disease
Dunaga's Cap19+2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 INT, +2 CON, +30 HP3% Blunt, 2% Arrow, 3% SoulNo Drop
Enchanted Quality Leather Hat17LVL 45+, STR 20+, DEX 40++3 DEX, +15 HP3% Blunt, 2% Body, 5% Poison
Enchanted Superior Leather Hat23LVL 75+, STR 20+, DEX 70++3 STR, +4 DEX4% Blunt, 3% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Arrow
Eternium Helm41LVL 108+, STR 100++18 STR, +21 DEX, +15 CON10% Pierce, 15% Arrow, 11% Soul, 8% Body
Ethereal Platinum Helm23LVL 80+, STR 75+, CON 40++6 STR, +2 DEX, +6 CON7% Pierce, 5% Disease
Ettin Hide Cap17LVL 40+, DEX 40++4 STR, +9 DEX, +3 INT, +30 HP2% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Poison
Evil Council Hood35LVL 110+, INT 100++22 STR, +12 DEX, +18 INT, +10 CON, +40 HP8% Blunt, 8% Cut, 6% Arrow, 5% Magic Missile, 8% Nature, 8% Mind+10 Critical Blast, Event
Fancy Battle Helm11STR 10+
Fancy Gold Battle Helm15LVL 10+, STR 15+1% Pierce
Fancy Steel Helm13LVL 7+, STR 11+1% Cut
Flame Reaver Helm29LVL 106+, STR 50+, INT 50++12 STR, +14 INT, +7 CON, +30 HP6% Blunt, 8% Nature, 10% Body, 7% Disease+5 Block
Floppy Hat2LVL 3++1 INT3% Blunt
Frost Coated Steel Helmet36LVL 109+, STR 101++25 STR, +7 DEX, +18 CON10% Cut, 10% Arrow, 10% Nature, 7% Soul, 8% Mind
Frost Helm16LVL 40+, STR 47+4% Nature
Full Metal Helm30LVL 100+, STR 100+, CON 80++15 STR, +5 DEX, +5 CON5% Blunt, 6% Cut, 4% Arrow, 7% Nature, 5% Soul
Gladiator Helm8LVL 5+, STR 8+
Gold Dragon Leather Bascinet32LVL 105++10 STR, +10 DEX, +10 INT, +6 CON-2% Blunt, 4% Pierce, 7% Cut, 3% Arrow, 2% Nature, 9% Soul, 4% Mind, 4% Body, -2% Disease
Golden Battle Helm13LVL 9+, STR 10+1% Pierce
Golden Helm12LVL 8+, STR 7+1% Pierce
Golden Helm of Power17LVL 35++6 INT, +25 HP
Gragnak's Lucky Cap40LVL 107++16 STR, +16 DEX, +16 INT, +16 CON5% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 10% Nature, 10% Body, 10% Poison, 10% Disease+5 Dodge, +5 Double Attack
Greater Dragon Helm33LVL 107+, DEX 100+, CON 100++20 STR, +10 DEX, +10 CON, +75 HP5% Pierce, 10% Nature, 10% Soul, 10% Mind, 10% Body
Green Dragon Leather Helm32LVL 105++10 STR, +10 DEX, +10 INT, +6 CON7% Blunt, -2% Pierce, 4% Cut, 3% Arrow, 9% Nature, 2% Soul, 4% Mind, 4% Body, -2% Disease
Hard Leather Cap15LVL 10++2 STR, +1 DEX, +2 CON
Hardened Leather Helm8LVL 5+, STR 8+
Hardened Warden's Helm23LVL 106+, INT 100+, CON 100++8 DEX, +16 INT, +7 CON, +30 HP6% Cut, 10% Arrow, 7% Nature, 8% Poison+10 Critical Heal
Heavy Mail Barbute41LVL 87+, STR 100++10 STR, +25 HP5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Cut
Helm10STR 8+
Helm of Agility16LVL 35+, DEX 30++20 DEX
Helm of Artraxis32LVL 90+, STR 90++25 STR, +70 HP5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Mind
Helm of Eagle Eye Order35LVL 108+, DEX 101++10 STR, +15 DEX, +9 INT, +10 CON8% Cut, 8% Mind, 10% Poison, 10% Disease+5 Dodge
Helm of Krog20+5 STR, +2 CON, +25 HP3% Pierce, 3% SoulNo Drop
Helm of Lesser Strength12LVL 20+, STR 30++10 STR
Helm of Lightning Sphere26LVL 107+, DEX 100++15 DEX, +10 CON, +35 HP6% Arrow, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 6% Poison
Helm of Magma33LVL 109++15 STR, +15 DEX, +15 INT, +15 CON6% Cut, 7% Magic Missile, 8% Mind, 8% Body
Helm of Ryonkah19LVL 100+, INT 100++25 INT7% Cut, 7% Body, 10% Disease+10 Body, +10 Nature
Helm of Silvest20+2 STR, +5 INT, +25 HP3% Blunt, 3% PierceNo Drop
Helm of Strength16LVL 35+, STR 56++20 STR
Helm of the Chant19LVL 57++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON5% Blunt, 5% Arrow, 5% Mind
Helm of the Cynosure35LVL 110+, STR 100+, INT 100++22 STR, +12 DEX, +18 INT, +10 CON, +40 HP8% Blunt, 8% Cut, 6% Arrow, 5% Magic Missile, 8% Nature, 8% Mind+10 Critical Blast
Helm of the Fallen22LVL 50+, STR 40+, DEX 40++4 STR, +4 DEX4% Poison
Helm of the Island Guard5+1 STR3% CutNo Drop
Helm of the Knightcaster28LVL 108+, STR 100+, INT 70++10 STR, +5 DEX, +20 INT7% Pierce, 7% Cut, 7% Soul, 7% Mind, 10% Poison, 10% Disease+5 Critical Blast
Helm of the Lich Prince35LVL 107+, INT 100++18 INT, +10 CON, +25 HP7% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 7% Soul, 7% Mind+10 Critical Heal
Helm of the Nordic Warrior24LVL 95+, STR 30+, DEX 20+, CON 100++7 STR, +8 DEX, +5 CON, +35 HP5% Blunt, 3% Arrow, 5% Poison, 5% Disease
Helm of the Orc Lord18LVL 70+, STR 50++12 STR, +5 DEX, +5 CON5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Nature, 5% Poison
Helm of Whisperdale20+2 STR, +5 DEX, +25 HP3% Cut, 3% SoulNo Drop
Helmet of the Bloodletter30LVL 106+, DEX 50+, CON 30++18 DEX, +10 CON, +50 HP5% Blunt, 4% Cut, 5% Nature, 5% Mind, 5% Body+3 Dodge
Helmet of the Myrmidon48LVL 100+, STR 80++15 STR, +5 DEX, +45 HP6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 5% Soul, 10% Mind
Holiday Cap1
Holy Helm20LVL 50++7 STR, +4 INT, +3 CON5% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Nature, 3% Poison
Holy Helm of Arda34LVL 105+, STR 100++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 CON7% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 8% Soul, 12% Poison
Holy Order Cap24LVL 106+, STR 100++17 STR, +10 DEX, +8 INT8% Blunt, 7% Cut, 7% Soul, 7% Body
Hood of Khafra37LVL 100+, INT 70++5 DEX, +15 INT, +7 CON, +50 HP7% Pierce, 6% Cut, 6% Nature, 6% Body, 10% Disease
Hood of Rahura37LVL 100+, INT 70++5 STR, +15 INT, +7 CON, +50 HP6% Blunt, 7% Cut, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 10% Poison
Horned One Helmet35LVL 100+, STR 80+, CON 70++5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 INT, +5 CON, +50 HP5% Blunt, 4% Pierce, 5% Nature
Imbued Leather Helmet26LVL 90+, STR 30+, DEX 50++5 STR, +5 DEX6% Cut, 8% Nature, 10% Disease+10 Bows, +10 Crossbows
Knight's Helmet20LVL 100++15 STR, +15 DEX, +15 INT, +15 CON3% Blunt, 3% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% BodyEvent
Leather Cap10LVL 10+, DEX 7++1 DEX1% Pierce
Lotor's Battle Crown48LVL 108+, INT 70+, CON 30++10 STR, +9 DEX, +18 INT, +8 CON, +50 HP7% Blunt, 15% Pierce, 7% Arrow, 7% Soul, 15% Mind, -10% Body, 7% Poison, 7% Disease+10 Critical Blast
Lotorian Battle Helm34LVL 75+, STR 90++10 STR, +5 CON4% Cut
Miners Helm10LVL 15++5 STR, +5 INT+10 Mining
Minos Royal Helm35LVL 107+, STR 50++25 STR, +10 DEX, +7 CON, +45 HP10% Blunt, 10% Body, 10% Disease
Minotaur Skin Hat32LVL 106+, DEX 50++19 STR, +7 DEX, +6 CON, +45 HP7% Cut, 8% Nature, 10% Soul
Moonsilk Cap20LVL 95+, INT 80++8 DEX, +8 INT, +18 HP6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 6% Nature
Neptune's Helmet35LVL 109+, INT 70++14 DEX, +18 INT, +5 CON, +45 HP7% Blunt, 7% Pierce, 7% Soul, 7% Body, 8% Disease+5 Critical Heal
Night Elf Archer Helm12LVL 20++1 DEX, +2 CON2% Soul, 2% BodyNo Drop
Nightfall Helmet26LVL 60+, STR 70++10 CON, +35 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 2% Arrow+1 Blunt Weapons
Orc Mining Helm19LVL 50++10 STR4% Cut+15 Mining
Orcish Warrior Helm14LVL 20++1 STR, +2 CON2% Pierce, 2% ArrowNo Drop
Padded Cap6LVL 4+
Paladin of the Flame Helmet40LVL 107+, STR 100++15 STR, +15 DEX, +10 INT, +15 CON8% Blunt, 7% Soul, 8% Mind+5 Block
Pilgrim's Cap1
Pilgrim's Hat1
Pit Fiend Helmet35LVL 106++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 INT, +9 CON7% Pierce, 10% Magic Missile, 7% Nature
Priest's Helm15LVL 55+, INT 50++8 INT4% Pierce, 4% Arrow, 4% Soul+5 Critical Heal
Pristine Dragon Scale Helmet38LVL 107++16 STR, +16 DEX, +16 INT, +16 CON5% Pierce, -5% Arrow, 8% Nature, 8% Soul, 8% Mind, 8% Body, -3% Disease+5 Dodge, +5 Double Attack, Set Bonus 20 Pct Dmg Reduc Vs Dragons
Pristine Helmet of Ferocity26LVL 80+, DEX 80++5 STR, +7 DEX, +30 HP5% Arrow, 5% Body, 5% Poison
Queen's Silk Occiput11LVL 25+, INT 20++4 INT, +2 CON3% Blunt, 4% Pierce
Ranger Lord Helm34LVL 110+, STR 70+, DEX 70++20 STR, +18 DEX, +15 CON10% Blunt, 10% Nature, 5% Body, 5% Poison, 10% Disease+10 Critical Hit
Raqlun's Coif13LVL 70+, INT 50++3 STR, +2 DEX, +13 INT, +4 CON5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Arrow, 5% Soul
Red Dragon Leather Bascinet32LVL 105++10 STR, +10 DEX, +10 INT, +6 CON4% Blunt, 5% Cut, 3% Arrow, 4% Nature, 4% Soul, 2% Mind, 9% Body, -2% Poison
Red Helm of Disrupting19LVL 94+, INT 80+-2 STR, +11 INT, +35 HP5% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 5% Mind
Refiner's Helm10LVL 50++15 STR, +15 DEX, +15 INTEvent
Ritual Hood31LVL 110+, DEX 100+, INT 100++12 STR, +16 DEX, +18 INT, +7 CON, +55 HP10% Blunt, 5% Arrow, 10% Nature, 10% Mind, 5% Poison+5 Critical Heal, +5 Double Attack
Rugged Helm11STR 8+
Rune Helm50LVL 100+, STR 100++5 STR, +20 DEX, +3 CON, +25 HP10% Blunt, 5% Cut, -5% Soul, 5% Body
Sabaline Cap36LVL 108+, INT 101++15 STR, +20 INT, +5 CON, +35 HP5% Pierce, 10% Cut, 10% Magic Missile, 10% Body, 5% Poison+5 Critical Blast
Salamander Skin Helmet26LVL 100++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 INT, +9 CON8% Blunt, 6% Nature, 10% Poison+10 Lumberjacking
Salvaged Helm17LVL 60+, STR 10+, DEX 10+, INT 10++2 STR, +5 INT, +10 HP2% Blunt, 3% Disease+4 Cloth Salvage, +4 Jewelry Salvage, +4 Leather Salvage, +4 Metal Savage, +4 Wood Salvage, No Drop
Santa Hat35LVL 105++15 STR, +15 DEX, +15 INT, +150 HP10% Blunt, 10% Pierce, 10% Cut, -20% Nature, -20% Mind+10 Critical Hit, Event
Savage's Headdress1
Savanna Hunter Helm48LVL 95++7 STR, +7 DEX, +7 INT, +7 CON, +35 HP7% Pierce, 7% Nature, 7% Poison
Scavenger Bone Helm36LVL 100+, INT 70+, CON 30++5 STR, +5 DEX, +10 INT, +6 CON, +30 HP8% Blunt, 8% Body, 8% Poison
Scorched Helmet35LVL 105+, STR 100++7 STR, +9 DEX, +7 CON6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 5% Soul, 5% Poison
Shadow Helm16LVL 8++2 DEX, +2 INT2% Blunt, 2% Cut, 3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body
Shadoweave Hat12LVL 35+, INT 60++3 INT
Shalox's Mask29LVL 80+, STR 80++10 STR, +5 DEX, +5 CON, +35 HP6% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 4% Disease
Shimmering Silk Cap13LVL 50+, INT 75++4 STR, +4 INT1% Arrow, 2% Mind
Silk Cap3
SkullCap of Dexterity11LVL 20+, DEX 15++5 DEX
Snake's Helm15LVL 44+, DEX 35++6 DEX, +25 HP4% Pierce, 5% Cut, 4% Arrow, 4% Soul
Soothsayer's Cap18LVL 105+, DEX 50+, INT 50++5 STR, +9 DEX, +11 INT, +20 HP5% Blunt, 4% Cut, 7% Arrow, 7% Body, 5% Disease
Sorcerer's Hat35LVL 110+, INT 101+, CON 100++10 STR, +10 DEX, +25 INT, +8 CON8% Pierce, 8% Arrow, 8% Nature, 8% Soul, 8% Body+10 Critical Heal
Sorcerer's Helm35LVL 110+, INT 101+, CON 100++10 STR, +10 DEX, +25 INT, +8 CON8% Pierce, 8% Arrow, 8% Nature, 8% Soul, 8% Body+10 Critical Heal
Soul Forged Helm35LVL 108+, DEX 100++10 STR, +15 DEX, +10 CON8% Cut, 10% Magic Missile, 8% Mind, 10% Poison, 10% Disease+5 Dodge, Event
Spectral Cap15LVL 100+, INT 100++5 STR, +5 DEX, +14 INT, +3 CON7% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Soul, 5% Mind, 5% Poison
Spore Crusted Helmet31LVL 100+, DEX 45+, CON 30++8 STR, +10 DEX, +6 CON, +25 HP8% Cut, 8% Body, 8% Poison+10% Health Regen
St. Patrick's Day Hat1
Steel Battle Helm14LVL 10+, STR 7++1 STR1% Blunt
Steel Helm13LVL 8+, STR 10+1% Cut
Steel Studded Headband14LVL 20+, STR 10+, CON 10+-2 DEX, +5 CON, +10 HP
Stout Helm22LVL 50++4 STR, +4 DEX, +2 CON, +30 HP4% Soul, 6% Disease
Studded Leather Cap7LVL 4+
Superior Chain Coif14LVL 20+, STR 25+2% Mind, 2% Body
Superior Cloth Cap4LVL 8+1% Poison, 1% Disease
Superior Gladiator Helm12LVL 10+, STR 16+
Superior Hardened Helm14LVL 19+, STR 23+
Superior Leather Cap10LVL 8+, STR 9+2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 2% Arrow
Superior Padded Cap13LVL 14+, STR 20+
Superior Platemail Helm16LVL 30+, STR 36+1% Nature, 1% Soul, 2% Mind, 2% Body
Superior Studded Cap13LVL 15+, STR 22+
Swashbuckler's Tricorn14LVL 25++4 STR, +4 DEX, +20 HP3% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 4% Cut, 1% Soul
Swiftwind Helm31LVL 75+, DEX 80++8 STR, +10 DEX, +8 INT, +50 HP4% Blunt, 4% Cut, 4% Nature+5 Bows, +5 Crossbows, +5 Thrown Weapons
Tangled Hide Helm22LVL 100+, STR 50+, DEX 100++9 STR, +15 DEX, +3 CON5% Blunt, 4% Arrow, 5% Nature, 7% Body, 5% Disease
Terra Hood14LVL 10+, INT 20++5 INT1% Nature, 1% DiseaseNo Drop
The Warlord's Goring Helm59LVL 108+, STR 101+, DEX 30+, CON 45++25 STR, +10 DEX, +10 CON, +75 HP10% Pierce, 15% Cut, 7% Arrow, 7% Nature, 7% Soul, -7% Mind, 5% Body+10 Critical Hit
Thrallen Helm16LVL 15+, STR 15++1 STR, +1 CON1% Blunt, 1% Cut, 1% Arrow
Thurman's Helm42LVL 108+, STR 60+, CON 40++18 STR, +11 DEX, +12 CON10% Blunt, 10% Cut, 8% Arrow, 10% Body
Titan Hide Helm38LVL 90++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 INT, +9 CON, +75 HP7% Blunt, 7% Nature, 10% Poison, 10% DiseaseNo Drop
Tormented Helm21LVL 85+, INT 50+, CON 20++3 DEX, +10 INT, +4 CON, +25 HP6% Blunt, 6% Cut, 6% Arrow, 6% Body
Tyrian's Silk Cap35LVL 107+, DEX 70+, INT 70++15 DEX, +10 INT, +10 CON, +50 HP5% Blunt, 6% Cut, 5% Arrow, 5% Nature, 5% Soul, 8% Disease+5 Double Attack
Unholy Helm of Redwake34LVL 105+, STR 100++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 CON7% Cut, 5% Arrow, 9% Nature, 8% Body
Valekar's Helm16LVL 65+, STR 50++5 STR, +4 DEX, +3 CON5% Blunt, 5% Soul
Verdant Soluri Cap15LVL 45+, DEX 45++4 DEX, +4 CON2% Nature
Very Scary Mask32+8 DEX, +45 HP5% Mind, 7% DiseaseEvent, No Drop
War Mage's Covering28LVL 50++3 STR, +7 INT, +2 CON, +35 HP4% Cut, 4% Nature
Warlock's Cap26LVL 105+, INT 100+, CON 100++5 DEX, +12 INT, +6 CON6% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 4% Soul, 5% Body, 10% Disease
Wedding Helm1
Wedding Veil1
Weeping Winter Shadehelm32LVL 80+, INT 80++5 STR, +12 INT, +5 CON, +35 HP6% Pierce, 4% Mind, 4% Disease
Winter Wolfhead28LVL 80+, DEX 80++6 STR, +10 DEX, +5 CON, +35 HP6% Pierce, 5% Mind, 4% Poison
Wizard Helm19LVL 25+, INT 50++5 INT1% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Mind+5 Mage Weapons, +5 Mind
Wizards Hat11LVL 10+, INT 14++1 INT
Woolen Cap9LVL 10+, INT 7++1 INT1% Cut, 1% Soul
Wretched Helm34LVL 101+, STR 30+, CON 50++15 STR, +5 DEX, +6 CON6% Pierce, 6% Soul, 5% Body
Wyvern Leather Coif19LVL 70+, DEX 30++6 STR, +8 DEX, +6 INT, +25 HP5% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 5% Soul, 5% Body, 4% Poison, 4% Disease
Wyvern Plate Helm27LVL 88+, STR 90++10 STR, +70 HP3% Cut, 3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body
Wyvern Scale Helm44LVL 110++20 STR, +20 DEX, +16 INT, +16 CON5% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 8% Soul, 8% Mind, 8% Body, 8% Poison+5 Dodge, +5 Double Attack, Set Bonus Antifreeze And 20 Pct Dmg Reduc Vs Wyverns
Wyvern Sight42LVL 101++10 STR, +12 DEX, +5 CON, +35 HP6% Blunt, 6% Nature, 6% Soul, 6% Mind+10 Double Attack