

Lvl ≤ Str ≤ Dex ≤ Int ≤ Con ≤
Talazar's Revenge Sands of Creation Tides of Fate
Name AC Reqs
Stats Resists Other
Alliance Insignia10LVL 40++25 HP3% Blunt
Andreev's Ring9LVL 15++6 DEX3% Pierce, 2% Nature+5 Small Blades
Antiquated Gold Ring10LVL 34++120 HP6% Cut, 4% Soul, 5% Disease
Archer's Band8LVL 50++4 STR, +4 DEX, +4 CON, +25 HP4% Blunt, 4% Cut
Auric Ring of Courage9LVL 30+, CON 14++5 CON, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Arrow
Auric Ring of Intellect9LVL 30+, INT 16++5 INT, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Magic Missile
Auric Ring of Sinew11LVL 30+, STR 16++5 STR, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Arrow
Auric Ring of the Quick10LVL 30+, DEX 16++5 DEX, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Arrow
Azure Ring6LVL 65+, INT 80++4 STR, +4 INT, +2 CON3% Blunt, 3% Cut, 3% Soul, 3% Poison
Band of Brilliance4LVL 20+, INT 30++5 INT
Band of Lightning Strikes11LVL 107++20 STR, +25 DEX6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 7% Magic Missile, 7% Nature, 7% Soul, 5% Body+10 Double Attack, +0.42 Faster Attack Speed
Band of Strength13LVL 40+, STR 23++7 STR, +20 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut
Band of the Arcane12LVL 35+, INT 23++7 INT, +20 HP2% Nature, 2% Mind, 2% Body
Band of the Imp12LVL 35+, DEX 23++7 DEX, +20 HP2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 2% Arrow
Band of the Minotaur12LVL 35+, CON 21++7 CON, +20 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut
Band of the Sand31LVL 100++7 DEX, +8 CON, +125 HP5% Blunt, 5% Pierce
Band of Tserith's Chosen33LVL 108++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON, +100 HP8% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 8% Cut, 8% Poison, 8% Disease+10 Block, +10 Critical Hit, +10 Dodge, +10 Double Attack
Barbarians' Ring of Health10LVL 35++7 STR, +5 DEX, +10 HP3% Pierce, 4% Mind, 4% Body
Basilisk Decaying Eye15LVL 100++7 STR, +7 DEX, +7 INT, +7 CON10% Soul, 10% Disease+10 First Aid
Bloodletter Signum20LVL 106+, DEX 50+, CON 30++15 DEX, +10 CON, +25 HP5% Nature, 5% Soul, 5% Mind, 5% Body+2 Critical Hit, +5 Dodge, +4 Double Attack
Bloody Rag of Rumpda14LVL 15++3 CON, +50 HP2% DiseaseNo Drop
Blue Crab Ring21LVL 103++10 STR, +10 DEX7% Blunt, 7% Cut, 7% Soul+10 Flycasting
Blue Crystalline Ring12LVL 40++5 INT, +5 CON3% Mind
BoneSnarl's Essence5+5 CON+25% Health Regen, No Drop
Brimidian Miners Ring22LVL 95++6 STR, +4 CON, +65 HP6% Blunt, 8% Cut, 5% Nature+10 Lumberjacking, +10 Mining, No Drop
Burning Ring13LVL 107+, INT 100++25 INT, +10 CON6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 6% Arrow, 6% Poison+10 Body, +10 Critical Blast, +10 Critical Heal
Cadence's Bauble8LVL 40++3 STR, +3 DEX, +2 CON4% Arrow, 4% Body
Carbonite Ring of Zule24LVL 110++16 STR, +16 DEX, +16 INT, +16 CON8% Cut, 8% Nature, 9% Soul+10 Mining
Coastal Ring of Sand10LVL 27++5 DEX, +20 HP3% Blunt, 3% Nature, 4% Body
Coral Ring10LVL 16++4 INT, +15 HP4% Pierce, 4% Nature
Corroded Copper Ring10LVL 43++3 STR, +6 CON3% Cut, 5% Mind+4 Double Attack
Corruptor's Ring of the Illusion18LVL 100+, INT 100++25 INT9% Blunt, 6% Magic Missile, 6% Mind+5 Critical Blast, +5 Critical Heal
Crypt Guardian Ring18LVL 100+, STR 50+, DEX 30++10 STR, +10 DEX8% Cut, 8% Magic Missile+5 Dodge
Dalvon Miner's Ring9LVL 14+5% Soul+5 Forging, +5 Mining, +5 Smelting
Dark Agate Ring15LVL 65++8 INT, +5 CON4% Arrow, 10% Body+5 Critical Heal
Dark Band of Power14LVL 43+, STR 10+, DEX 10+, CON 10++3 STR, +3 DEX, +3 CON, +20 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 2% Magic Missile
Dark Ring14LVL 30++25 HP1% Blunt, 1% Cut, 1% Soul, 1% Body
Dark Ring of Power16LVL 35+, STR 16+, CON 10++5 STR, +3 CON1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Soul, 1% Body
Dark Ring of the Archer13LVL 42+, STR 13+, DEX 13++4 STR, +4 DEX, +20 HP2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 2% Arrow, 2% Magic Missile
Dark Ring of the Ettin12LVL 42+, STR 20+, CON 6++6 STR, +2 CON, +20 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 1% Soul, 1% Body
Dark Ring of the Golem11LVL 43+, DEX 13+, CON 13++4 DEX, +4 CON, +22 HP4% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut
Dark Ring of the Magi9LVL 43+, INT 26++8 INT, +20 HP2% Nature, 2% Soul, 2% Mind, 2% Body
Dark Ring of the Ogre11LVL 42+, STR 13+, CON 13++4 STR, +4 CON, +20 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 1% Nature, 1% Body
Dark Ring of the Wraith8LVL 42+, INT 20++6 INT, +2 CON, +20 HP2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Cut, 1% Soul, 1% Mind
Defender's Ring8LVL 50++4 STR, +4 DEX, +4 CON, +25 HP4% Blunt, 4% Cut
Deflecting Ring19LVL 105+, STR 50+, DEX 30+, CON 30++10 STR, +10 DEX, +5 CON, +100 HP6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 6% Arrow+5 Dodge
Demon Gem16LVL 104++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON4% Pierce, 4% Cut, 4% Nature, 4% Mind, 10% Poison
Demonic Adamantine Ring28LVL 107++12 STR, +12 DEX, +12 INT, +12 CON, +85 HP6% Blunt, 7% Pierce, 8% Arrow, 8% Mind
Dragon Eye33LVL 106+, STR 70++18 STR, +10 CON6% Blunt, 5% Cut, 6% Mind, 6% Body
Dull Brass Ring8LVL 9++2 STR, +18 HP2% Magic Missile, 3% Soul
Dull Emerald Ring1+5 HP
Empowered Band of Sabal23LVL 106++10 STR, +10 DEX, +10 INT, +10 CON8% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 10% Soul, 10% Body, 10% Poison+10 Block, +10 Dodge, No Drop
Enchanted Ruby Ring8LVL 20+, STR 10++3 STR, +1 INT, +10 HP1% Nature, 1% Soul, 1% Mind, 1% Body
Engagement Band3LVL 24++5 STR, +5 DEX, -5 INT
Executioner's Ring17LVL 40+, STR 20++5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 INT, +5 CON, +20 HP3% Blunt, 4% Magic Missile, 4% Mind
Farmer's Ring3LVL 20++2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 INT+5 Harvesting, +5 Planting
Flame Reaver Ring14LVL 106+, STR 50+, INT 50++8 STR, +7 INT, +4 CON, +25 HP7% Cut, 6% Nature, 6% Mind, 6% Poison
Flawed Band of Sabal13LVL 105++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 5% Soul, 5% Body, 5% PoisonNo Drop
Giant Bear Band11LVL 21++4 STR3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body
Glyph Insignia Ring13LVL 17+, INT 20++2 INT4% Pierce, 4% Nature+1 Critical Blast
Gold Ring4
Golden Ring of Finesse9LVL 25+, DEX 10++3 DEX, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut
Golden Ring of Harmony8LVL 25+, DEX 6+, CON 6++2 DEX, +2 CON, +10 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut
Golden Ring of Intuition8LVL 25+, INT 10++3 INT, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut
Golden Ring of Stamina8LVL 25+, CON 10++3 CON, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut
Golden Ring of Valor9LVL 25+, STR 13++4 STR, +15 HP1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut, 1% Arrow
Gorgar's Precious11LVL 106++19 DEX10% Nature, 10% Soul, 10% Body
Graverobber's Edge19LVL 106++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 INT, +9 CON, +85 HP7% Pierce, 7% Cut, 5% Arrow, 7% Nature, 7% Soul, 7% Disease+5 Dodge, +5 Double Attack, No Drop
Graverobber's Mark13LVL 105++7 STR, +7 DEX, +7 INT, +7 CON, +55 HP6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 5% Arrow, 5% Nature, 5% Soul, 5% DiseaseNo Drop
Graverobber's Wardblade27LVL 107++12 STR, +12 DEX, +12 INT, +12 CON, +125 HP8% Pierce, 8% Cut, 5% Arrow, 10% Nature, 10% Soul, 10% Disease+10 Dodge, +10 Double Attack, No Drop
Greater Dragon Signet Ring22LVL 107++12 STR, +12 DEX, +12 INT, +12 CON, +100 HP8% Blunt, 8% Cut, 5% Arrow, 10% Magic Missile, 10% Nature, 10% Mind
Grimacing Band8LVL 65+, STR 50++4 STR, +2 DEX, +4 CON3% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Soul, 3% Poison
Hobgoblin's Precious8LVL 45++7 CON2% Blunt
Hobgoblin's Pride1LVL 3++1 CON1% Blunt, 1% Pierce, 1% Cut
Holy Order Signum14LVL 106+, STR 100++12 STR, +12 DEX, +12 INT, +12 CON6% Blunt, 6% Cut, 6% Arrow, 6% Nature, 7% Body
Hook Hands Eye13LVL 105++13 STR, +13 DEX, +13 INT, +13 CON10% Pierce, 10% Nature, 10% Body+5 Critical Hit
Hoop of Fear26LVL 103+, INT 100++12 INT7% Pierce, 10% Soul+10 Soul
Infinite Loop19LVL 106++12 STR, +12 DEX, +12 INT, +12 CON8% Nature, 8% Soul, 8% Mind, 8% Body
Ironarm Crest14LVL 50++10 STR, +50 HP10% Blunt, 10% Soul, 5% Mind+5 Block, +5 Forging, +5 Mining, +5 Smelting
Jeweled Ring2
Kudo Spine Ring8LVL 100++15 STR, -2 INT, +8 CON5% Cut, 7% Nature, 9% Mind
Leech Tail Wrap10LVL 40+, DEX 55++2 STR, +6 DEX, +2 CON4% Blunt, 4% Body
Lost Adventurer's Signet12LVL 65++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT5% Pierce, 6% Cut, 6% Poison+5 Jewelry Making
Lotor's Wedding Ring25LVL 108++8 STR, +8 DEX, +15 INT, +8 CON, +50 HP12% Blunt, 12% Pierce, 7% Cut, 7% Arrow, 7% Nature, 7% Mind, -7% Body+5 Dodge, +5 First Aid
Lustrous Silver Ring12LVL 24++3 DEX, +2 CON4% Arrow, 5% Body
McKelsky Ring15No Drop
Minos Ring19LVL 100++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON, +45 HP7% Pierce, 6% Magic Missile, 10% Body+10 Skinning
Mystic Fish's Ring13LVL 31++5 INT, +5 CON2% Pierce, 2% Magic Missile, 4% Soul
Neptune's Ring24LVL 109+, INT 70++6 DEX, +18 INT, +5 CON, +35 HP7% Blunt, 7% Nature, 7% Body, 8% Poison, 7% Disease+5 Critical Blast
Nimble Fingers7LVL 20+, DEX 30++5 DEX
Ogre's Pride7LVL 20+, STR 30++5 STR
Oxen Strength Ring12LVL 80++12 STR
Paladin of the Flame Ring23LVL 107+, STR 100++20 STR, +10 INT, +6 CON7% Blunt, 7% Cut, 7% Nature
Polished Band of Sabal18LVL 106++8 STR, +8 DEX, +8 INT, +8 CON7% Blunt, 7% Pierce, 5% Arrow, 7% Soul, 7% Body, 7% Poison+5 Block, +5 Dodge, No Drop
Red Glowing Ring10LVL 35+, DEX 45++4 DEX, +2 CON3% Blunt, 3% Nature
Ring from the Kobold Mines8LVL 19++2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 INT2% Blunt, 2% Pierce, 2% Nature
Ring of Accursed Light24LVL 96+, DEX 100++11 DEX, -5 INT, +10 CON6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 6% Arrow, 6% Nature
Ring of Akoros24LVL 105++12 STR, +10 DEX, +10 CON, +60 HP6% Pierce, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 6% Body, 6% Poison
Ring of Arcane Power22LVL 110+, INT 101++25 INT, +100 HP10% Magic Missile, 5% Nature, 5% Soul, 5% Mind, 5% BodyBonus Spell Dmg For Thunder Strike And Soul Melt
Ring of Arts9LVL 45+, DEX 13+, INT 13++4 DEX, +4 INT, +20 HP4% Arrow, 4% Magic Missile
Ring of Balance6LVL 15++1 DEX, +1 INT, +10 HP2% Poison, 2% Disease
Ring of Blasting15LVL 58+, INT 55++10 INT6% Pierce, 5% Magic Missile, 5% Soul+5 Critical Blast
Ring of Brawn7LVL 15+, STR 10++3 STR, +10 HP1% Poison, 1% Disease
Ring of Darkness21LVL 107++13 STR, +13 DEX, +13 INT, +13 CON7% Cut, 7% Soul, 8% Mind, 10% Disease
Ring of Eagle Eye Order11LVL 108+, DEX 101++15 DEX, +5 INT, +10 CON, +30 HP6% Nature, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 6% Body
Ring of Eight8LVL 100++60 HP5% Blunt, 6% Cut, 7% Body+10 Sailing
Ring of Fire32LVL 105++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON5% Blunt, 5% Arrow, 5% Soul, 5% Body
Ring of Flesh and Family24LVL 91+, STR 100++12 STR, +10 CON, +15 HP5% Pierce, 6% Arrow, 6% Nature, 10% Poison
Ring of Focus6LVL 15+, INT 6++2 INT, +5 HP2% Poison, 2% Disease
Ring of Force9LVL 35+, INT 45++4 INT, +3 CON3% Blunt, 3% Cut
Ring of Health8LVL 40++35 HP
Ring of Krog4+2 STR, +1 CON, +25 HP1% Pierce, 1% BodyNo Drop
Ring of Lesser Dexterity5LVL 10++1 DEX1% Poison, 1% Disease
Ring of Lesser Health5LVL 10++1 CON1% Poison, 1% Disease
Ring of Lesser Strength5LVL 10++1 STR1% Poison, 1% Disease
Ring of Lesser Wisdom5LVL 10++1 INT1% Poison, 1% Disease
Ring of Lodaru18LVL 80++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON6% Nature, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 6% Body
Ring of Lost Flame15LVL 77++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON, +45 HP7% Cut, 5% Nature, 5% Soul, 5% Mind
Ring of Might15LVL 60+, STR 60++10 STR3% Arrow, 3% Magic Missile
Ring of Minor Body Resistance2LVL 12+3% Body
Ring of Minor Mind Resistance2LVL 12+3% Mind
Ring of Minor Nature Resistance2LVL 12+3% Nature
Ring of Minor Soul Resistance2LVL 12+3% Soul
Ring of Recuperation13LVL 106++4 STR, +4 DEX, +4 INT, +4 CON3% Blunt, 3% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Arrow, 3% Magic Missile, 3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body, 3% Poison, 3% Disease+2 Stam Regen
Ring of Resistance19LVL 50+, INT 20+4% Magic Missile, 4% Nature, 4% Soul, 4% Mind, 4% Body, 4% Poison, 4% Disease
Ring of Saintly Corruption12LVL 62+, INT 70++25 INT, -5 CON6% Blunt, 6% Arrow, 6% Body
Ring of Silvest4+1 STR, +2 INT, +25 HP1% Blunt, 1% PierceNo Drop
Ring of Sleighing25LVL 105++15 STR, +15 DEX, +35 INT, +150 HP-5% Blunt, 10% Arrow, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 10% Poison, 10% Disease+20 Critical Blast, +20 Critical Heal, Event
Ring of Sozal8+1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 INT, +1 CON, +10 HP2% Cut, 2% Nature, 2% MindNo Drop
Ring of Stardust9LVL 80+, STR 30+, DEX 30++5 STR, +5 DEX, +3 CON3% Cut, 3% Arrow, 3% Nature
Ring of Storms19LVL 75+, STR 35+, CON 35++7 STR, +7 CON, +40 HP5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Nature
Ring of the Bells12+5 CON, +25 HP5% Pierce, 5% Nature, 3% Body+5 Sailing, No Drop
Ring of the Cyclops40LVL 100++15 STR, +30 DEX, +15 INT, +30 CON, +100 HP12% Blunt, 12% Pierce, 12% Cut, 8% Arrow, 8% Magic Missile, 3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body, 10% Poison, 10% DiseaseArtifact, No Drop
Ring of the Demons21LVL 106++9 STR, +9 DEX, +9 INT, +9 CON5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 7% Arrow, 4% Soul
Ring of the Elk4LVL 65++1 Stam Regen
Ring of the Glamour18LVL 74+, INT 50+, CON 20++11 INT, +8 CON5% Blunt, 5% Magic Missile, 5% Mind, 5% Body, 5% Poison
Ring of the Glutton10LVL 35+, STR 45++4 STR, +3 CON3% Blunt, 3% Pierce
Ring of the Healer4LVL 20+5% Body+3 Body
Ring of the Knightcaster18LVL 108+, STR 100+, INT 70++10 STR, +15 INT, +100 HP5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Soul, 5% Mind, 5% Disease
Ring of the Lich Prince16LVL 107+, INT 100++4 STR, +4 DEX, +10 INT, +7 CON6% Blunt, 6% Cut, 6% Soul, 6% Disease
Ring of the Mystic4LVL 20+5% Mind+3 Mind
Ring of the Northwind16LVL 85++5 STR, +8 DEX, +5 INT5% Pierce, 6% Nature, 7% PoisonNo Drop
Ring of the Scorpion16LVL 50++7 DEX6% Cut, 6% Nature, 10% Poison+5 Critical Hit
Ring of the Warden11LVL 106+, INT 100+, CON 100++5 STR, +11 INT, +5 CON, +25 HP6% Pierce, 6% Mind, 6% Body, 6% Poison
Ring of the Wolverine16LVL 45+, DEX 20+, CON 6++6 DEX, +2 CON, +20 HP2% Blunt, 3% Pierce, 3% Cut
Ring of the Zombie4LVL 20+5% Soul+3 Soul
Ring of Thought14LVL 89++15 INT4% Blunt, 5% Cut, 5% Soul+5 Critical Heal
Ring of Vigor6LVL 15+, CON 6++2 CON, +5 HP2% Poison, 2% Disease
Ring of Voidness15LVL 69+, STR 10+, DEX 10+, CON 10++7 STR, +7 DEX, +7 INT, +7 CON5% Blunt, 5% Arrow, 5% Soul
Ring of Water Circle15LVL 83++5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 INT, +5 CON4% Pierce, 4% Arrow, 4% Nature, 4% Poison+10 Sailing
Ring of Whisperdale4+1 STR, +2 DEX, +25 HP1% Pierce, 1% BodyNo Drop
Ruby Scarab Ring15LVL 50+, DEX 30+5% Blunt, 5% Pierce, 5% Cut, 5% Arrow+5 Critical Hit, +4 Double Attack
Rusty Pirates Ring9LVL 20++3 STR, +3 DEX, +3 INT, +3 CON3% Pierce, 3% Nature, 4% Mind
Salamander Skin Ring14LVL 100++7 STR, +7 DEX, +7 INT, +7 CON6% Cut, 8% Soul, 8% Body, 10% Poison+10 Alchemy
Sandy Pearl Ring7LVL 10++3 STR, +15 HP3% Blunt, 3% Nature
Sarahs Promise Ring3
Shadowed Barrier Ring30LVL 62++40 HP3% Blunt, 3% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Arrow, 3% Magic Missile, 3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body, 3% Poison, 3% Disease
Shadowed Ring of Endurance14LVL 60+, CON 40++10 CON, +35 HP3% Blunt, 3% Pierce, 3% Cut, 3% Poison, 3% Disease
Shadowed Ring of Fleetness21LVL 55+, DEX 40++10 DEX, +35 HP4% Cut, 4% Arrow, 4% Magic Missile
Shadowed Ring of Might11LVL 55+, STR 35++10 STR, +35 HP4% Blunt, 4% Pierce, 4% Cut
Shadowed Ring of Power12LVL 53+, STR 15+, INT 15+, CON 15++4 STR, +4 INT, +4 CON, +28 HP4% Cut, 4% Arrow, 4% Poison
Shadowed Ring of the Arcane13LVL 55+, INT 40++10 INT, +35 HP3% Nature, 3% Soul, 3% Mind, 3% Body
Signet Ring5LVL 8++2 CON
Silver Band41% Poison, 1% Disease
Silver Flecked Ring8LVL 32+, STR 6+, DEX 6+, INT 6+, CON 6++2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 INT, +2 CON3% Poison, 3% Disease
Silver Ring31% Poison, 1% Disease
Slime Coated Band3+1 STR, +1 DEX2% Poison
Soldiers' Ring of Courage12LVL 47++5 STR, +10 CON5% Pierce, 5% Magic Missile, 5% Mind
Soothsayer's Ring8LVL 105+, DEX 50+, INT 50++5 STR, +5 DEX, +10 INT, +10 HP5% Pierce, 7% Nature, 5% Poison
Soul Pact6LVL 100++16 STR, +16 DEX, +17 INT, +17 CON6% Blunt, 6% Pierce, 6% Cut, 6% Arrow, 6% Magic Missile, 6% Nature, 6% Soul, 6% Mind, 6% Body, 6% Poison, 6% DiseaseEvent
St. Patrick's Day Ring1
Termigon Eye Ring8LVL 11++3 STR, +3 DEX, +3 INT, +3 CON, +25 HP3% Cut, 4% SoulNo Drop
Trick or Treat Band7+3 STR, +3 DEX, +3 INT, +3 CONEvent, No Drop
Tserith's Ring of Destruction33LVL 105++100 HP8% Blunt, 8% Pierce, 8% Cut+10 Critical Hit, +10 Double Attack
Tyrian's Ring20LVL 107+, DEX 70+, INT 70++13 STR, +13 DEX, +13 INT, +13 CON6% Blunt, 6% Cut, 10% Arrow, 6% Nature, 6% Mind+5 Dodge, +5 Soul
Valentine's Ring (F)1
Valentine's Ring (M)1Male Only
Wanderer's Cloaked Ring10LVL 100++5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 INT, +5 CON4% Pierce, 4% Cut, 4% Soul, 4% Disease
Wanderers' Ring17LVL 52+, INT 25+, CON 10++5 DEX, +7 INT5% Blunt, 6% Cut, 6% Mind
War Mage's Charm8LVL 50++4 STR, +4 INT, +4 CON, +25 HP4% Cut, 4% Nature
Wedding Ring10
Wyvern's Eye12LVL 101++6 STR, +6 DEX, +6 INT, +6 CON, +25 HP5% Blunt, 5% Cut, 5% Nature, 5% Soul, 5% Mind, 5% Body